Information about Nagoya City:
Nagoya Convention & Visitors Bureau
Registration Fees: The registration fee includes three free events (a pre-conference one-day field trip to the geological sites and an icebreaker on November 1st) and refreshments, but NOT lunch or the official dinner. Please see the bottom of this page for information about an icebreaker.
Late and on-site registration
Note: Payment only by Japanese Yen (JPY)
Professionals: JPY20, 000
Students: JPY7, 000
Accompanying persons: JPY5, 000
One day pass
Note: payment only by Japanese Yen (JPY)
Professionals: JPY7, 000
Students: JPY3, 000
Accompanying persons: JPY2, 000
Official dinner (on November 2nd at Nagoya University)
On-site registration is also available: payment only by Japanese Yen (JPY)
All: JPY3, 000
Pre-conference one-day field trip (the application is closed): In this field trip on November 1st, we will visit to several representative outcrops in the Mino Belt, a major structural unit of Paleozoic to Mesozoic age in Japan and a Precambrian museum. The outcrops and the museum are located in Gifu Prefecture. It takes one hour and half by car from Nagoya. In the morning of the day (November 1st), the bus will pick the participants up at their accommodation sequentially from 8:30 to 9:00. We will be back to Nagoya around 16:00. If it rains heavily, we would visit to other places such as National Treasure Inuyama Castle and/or the TOYOTA Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology. The itinerary will be distributed to the participants by October 24th. Field trip guide can be downloaded from:
Hands-on Microfossil and Rock Observation: We have a plan of hands-on microfossil and rock observation (all specimens were collected by K. Sugitani). To date this event is planned to be held within the poster room in the afternoon on November 2nd and all the day on November 3rd. K.S. interprets the specimens by request, during e.g. core times for poster session and after the session on November 3rd (approximately 1 hour).
Post-conference Optional Tour: A post-conference optional bus tour (from the conference site) will be held in the afternoon of November 4th. We will visit first a museum exhibiting Japanese traditional art during the Tokugawa era and then go to Nagoya Castle. After these activities, we will enjoy Japanese cuisine at a restaurant downtown. The tour fee including dinner is JPY11, 000 (without drinks). If you do not have dinner, the cost is JPY7, 000. Please book this tour from the online registration site
Tokugawa Art Museum
Nagoya Castle
Guide to Participants
Permission requirement for recording presentations: Please DO NOT take photos of presentations or record talks without permission of the presenters. Please ensure that your mobile phones are turned off during the sessions in the conference room.
Oral presentation: 20 minutes including discussions is provided for each general speaker. Please PREVIOUSLY install your PPT files into the computer (Windows) connected to the projector during refreshments and lunches, or in the morning (the reception will open 8:00 on November 2nd and 8:15 on November 3rd and 4th), and check if the presentation works correctly. The presenters may also connect their own computers directly to the projector; for Mac users, please bring your DVI adapter.
Poster Presentation: 1) The conference HP says that the poster board is 152cm in height and 115cm in width. However, as the board has very short legs, I recommend that you prepare posters with a printed area less than 120 cm in height. 2) You may post your presentations from 8:00 on November 2nd. Please remove them before 13:00 on November 4th. If posters are left after 13:00 on November 4th, they may be discarded. The poster room is in front of the conference room. You will be able to find it easily. Pins will be available. 3) We have two core times, which are from 15:45 to 16:45 on November 2nd and from 15:25 to 16:25 on November 3rd. Poster presentations will be divided into two groups by their poster numbers (odd or even). Poster presentations with odd numbers will have core time on November 2nd and those with even numbers on November 3rd.
Internet access: Internet access is available in and around the conference room. Details will be indicated at the venue.
Lunch and refreshment: Lunch will be available at a café near the conference room and some restaurants including Italian, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese around Nagoya University (5 minutes walk), during the conference. Some restaurants in the university are also available on November 2nd. Refreshment will be served in the morning and the afternoon.
Help desk: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the staff at reception. Also please mail to (preferred),, or phone to +81-(0)90-1623-3117 (K.Sugitani; Please note that during the session, this phone will be turned off and therefore the reply may be delayed).
Emergency: Emergency calls in Japan; 110 for police (no area code) and 119 (no area code) for ambulance and fire.
Cloak: Cloak service is available from 8:15 to 18:30 on November 2nd (Saturday) and November 3rd (Sunday), and from 8:15 to 13:00 on November 4th (Monday). Please keep valuables with yourself. DO NOT leave them in your bags being stored in the cloakroom.
Session Program
Oral Session
November 2nd (Saturday)
Welcoming address
Satoru Kuno1, Kenichiro Sugitani2
1Dean, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan
2Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan
1) 9:10-10:05 (Keynote Talk)
Geological evidence of oxygenic photosynthesis and the biotic response to the 2.4-2.2 Ga “Great Oxidation Event”
J. William Schopf1
1University of California, Los Angeles, USA
2) 10:05-10:25
Cyanobacterial evolution and development: What do living species tell us about history and background of their morphological diversity?
Akiko Tomitani1
1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan
3) 10:25-10:45
A public goods approach to major evolutionary transitions
Douglas H. Erwin1
1National Museum of Natural History, USA
Refreshments served
4) 11:00-11:20
Oceanic sedimentary sequences in Mesoarchean Dixon Island-Cleaverville Formation, Pilbara, Australia: Result of DXCL drilling project
Shoichi Kiyokawa1, Takashi Ito2, Minoru Ikehara3, Kosei E. Yamaguchi4,5, Hiroshi Naraoka1, Tetsuji Onoue6, Kenji Horie7, Ryo Sakamoto1, Yuhei Aihara1, and Tsubasa Miki1
1Kyushu University, Japan; 2Ibaraki University, Japan; 3Kochi University, Japan; 4Toho University, Japan; 5NASA
Astrobiology Institute, USA; 6Kumamoto University, Japan; 7National Institute of Polar Research, Japan
5) 11:20-11:40
Geochemical evidence for redox stratification of the ocean 2.7 billion years ago
Kosei E. Yamaguchi1, 2 and Akane Abe1
1Toho University, Japan; 2NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA
6) 11:40-12:00
Early Archaean carbonates on early Earth - microbial mediated mineralisation versus hydrothermal origin
Joachim Reitner1, Jan-Peter Duda1, Franziska Wilsky1, Bent T. Hansen1, Nadien Schäfer1,
and Martin J. Van Kranendonk2
1Georg-August-University of Goettingen, Germany; 2ACA, University of New South Wales, Australia
7) 12:00-12:20
Assessing the biogenicity of geochemical signatures in Palaeoarchaean rocks from the Pilbara Craton (Western Australia)
Jan-Peter Duda1, Joachim Reitner1, Martin Blumenberg1, Danny Ionescu2, Nadine Schäfer1,
and Martin J. Van Kranendonk3
1Georg-August-University of Goettingen, Germany; 2Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany;
3ACA, University of New South Wales, Australia
8) 13:40-14:25 (Keynote Talk)
Insights from the molecular biological information into the early evolution of life
Akihiko Yamagishi1, Satoshi Akanuma1, and Shin-ichi Yokobori1
1Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Japan
9) 14:25-14:45
Enigmatic origin and evolution of cyanobacterial photosynthesis: lipids vs photosystems and pigments
Naoki Sato1,2
1The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2JST, CREST, Japan
10) 14:45-15:05
Possible involvement of polyunsaturated lipids in the evolutional adaptation of anaerobic bacteria against oxidative stress
Akio Ueno1, Satoru Shimizu1, Kiyohito Yoshida2, and Hidetoshi Okuyama2
1Horonobe Research Institute for the Subsurface Environment, Japan; 2Hokkaido University, Japan
11) 15:05-15:25
Abiotic sulfurisation of a modern ecosystem and the preservation of early life
Anais Pagès1, Kliti. Grice1, Ricardo J. Jahnert1, Michael Vacher2, Roger E. Summons3, Peter R. Teasdale4, David T. Welsh4, Martin J. Van Kranendonk5, and Paul Greenwood1,2
1Curtin University, Australia; 2The University of Western Australia, Australia; 3Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, USA; 4Griffith University, Australia; 5University of New South Wales
12) 15:25-15:45
Comparison between the biomarker geochemistry of the 1.4 Ga Velkerri Formation (northern Australia) and the Hongshuizhuang Formation (northern China)
Simon C. George1, Emma N. Flannery1,2, Qingyong Luo1,3 and Ningning Zhong3
1Macquarie University, Australia; 2Geoscience Australia, Australia; 3China University of Petroleum, China
Refreshments & poster session (core time for odd numbers)
13) 16:45-17:05
Non invasive dating and detection of nuclear biosignatures in Archean cherts by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Didier Gourier1, Hervé Vezin2, and Laurent Binet1
1Chimie-ParisTech, France; 2Université de Lille 1, France
14) 17:05-17:25
The evolutionary origin of multicellularity in cyanobacteria and The Great Oxidation Event
Bettina E. Schirrmeister1, Jurrian M. De Vos2, Alexandre Antonelli3, and Homayoun C. Bagheri4
1University of Bristol, UK; 2Brown University, USA; 3University of Gothenburg, Sweden; 4University of Zurich,
15) 17:25-17:45
Substantial environmental oxygen gradients before the evolution of cyanobacteria: Implications from the revised phylogeny of magnetotactic bacteria
Hang Yu1 and Joseph L. Kirschvink1,2
1California Institute of Technology, USA; 2ELSI, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
16) 17:45-18:05
The origin of life on Earth: Some geological constraints
Malcolm R. Walter1
1ACA, University of New South Wales, Australia
Discussion led by Malcolm R. Walter
Official Dinner
November 3rd (Sunday)
17) 9:00-9:45(Keynote Talk)
Algae as driving force of the diversification of eukaryotes and expansion of Earth’s ecosystem
Isao Inouye1
1University of Tsukuba, Japan
18) 9:45-10:05
Diachronous diversification of ichnofossil producers and increase in the biological activities in the Cambrian Explosion
Tatsuo Oji1, Takafumi Mochizuki1, Yuanlong Zhao2, Jin Peng2, Xinglian Yang2, and Sersmaa Gonchigdorj3
1Nagoya University, Japan; 2Guizhou University, China; 3Mongolian University of Science and Technology,
19) 10:05-10:25
Neoproterozoic thrombolite and spherical structures from Brazil: An image of the oldest multicellular animal
Akihiro Kano1, Tomoyo Okumura1, Fumito Shiraishi2, Chizuru Takashima3, and Nilo Matsuda4
1Kyushu University, Japan; 2Hiroshima University, Japan; 3Saga University, Japan; 4Petrobras Co., Brazil
Refreshments served
20) 10:40-11:00
Experimental geobiology of microbial sediments
Tanja Bosak1, Giulio Mariotti1, J. Taylor Perron1, Sara B. Pruss2, Francis A. Macdonald3, and Vanja Klepac-Ceraj4
1Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; 2Smith College, USA; 3Harvard University, USA; 4Wellesley College, USA
21) 11:00-11:20
Tidalites, evaporites, and anoxygenic photosynthetic microbial mats and associated heterotrophic organisms in the ~3.3 Ga-old Josefsdal Chert, Barberton
Frances Westall1, Jean-Gabriel Bréhéret2, Axelle Hubert1, Barbara Cavalazzi1,3, and Claire Rollion-Bard4
1CNRS, France; 2University of Tours, France; 3University of Bologna, Italy; 4University of Nancy, France
22) 11:20-11:40
Investigating the syngeneity and the palaeobiology of hydrocarbons in stromatolites from the Fortescue group in the Pilbara region, Western Australia (2.7-2.8 Ga)
Yosuke Hoshino1,3, David T. Flannery2,3, Malcolm R. Walter2,3, and Simon C. George1,3
1Macquarie University, Australia; 2University of New South Wales, Australia; 3ACA, University of New South
Wales, Australia
23) 11:40-12:00
Coevolution of ocean chemistry and early animals following the global glaciation
Kunio Kaiho1, Masahiro Oba1, Atena Shizuya1, Kenji Yamada1, Minori Kikuchi1, Naoto Senba1, Zhong-Qiang Chen2, Paul Gorjan3, Jinnan Tong2, Satoshi Takahashi4, and Li Tian2
1Tohoku University, Japan; 2China University of Geosciences, China; 3Washington University, USA; 4The University of Tokyo
24) 13:20-14:05 (Keynote Talk)
The Agouron Institute Drilling Project: Initial results of the biomarker analyses
Katherine L. French1, Christian Hallmann2, Janet M. Hope3, Roger Buick4, Jochen J. Brocks3, and Roger E. Summons1
1Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; 2Max-Planck-Institute, Germany; 3Australian National University,
Australia; 4University of Washington, USA
25) 14:05-14:25
Identification of microbial fossils from metabasalts based on petrographical and geochemical studies
Hisanari Sugawara1, Masayuki Sakakibara2, and Minoru Ikehara3
1Gunma Museum of Natural History, Japan; 2Ehime University, Japan; 3Kochi University, Japan
26) 14:25-14:45
Limu o Pelé, mineralic artefacts or microfossils from the Neoarchean stromatolites of the Tumbiana Formation, Fortescue Group, Pilbara Craton?
Wladyslaw Altermann1, Martin J. van Kranendonk2, Anatoliy B. Kudryavtsev3, David T. Flannery2, J. William Schopf3, and Malcolm R. Walter2
1University of Pretoria, South Africa; 2ACA, University of New South Wales, Australia; 3University of California, Los
Angeles, USA
27) 14:45-15:05
Eukaryote-like microfossils from the Neoarchean (~2.7 Ga) Sodium Group (Ventersdorp Supergroup) of South Africa
Józef Kazmierczak1, Barbara Kremer1, Wladyslaw Altermann2, and Ian Franchi3
1Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland; 2University of Pretoria, South Africa; 3The Open University, UK
28) 15:05-15:25
Domain-level identification of Proterozoic microfossils and extant prokaryotes by FTIR microspectroscopy
Motoko Igisu1, Yuichiro Ueno1,2,3, and Ken Takai1,3,4
1Precambrian Ecosystem Lab., JAMSTEC, Japan; 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 3ELSI, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Japan; 4Subsurface Geobiology Advanced Research Project, JAMSTEC, Japan
Refreshments & poster session (core time for even numbers)
29) 16:25-16:45
In situ, spatially resolved biosignature detection at the microbial scale
Kenneth H. Williford1,2, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode3, Christian Hallmann4,5, Kouki Kitajima2, Reinhard Kozdon2, Anatoliy Kudryavstev6, Kevin Lepot2,7, J. William Schopf6, Michael J. Spicuzza2, Kenichiro Sugitani8, Roger E. Summons5, Takayuki Ushikubo2,9, Martin J. Van Kranendonk10, and John W. Valley2
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA; 2University of Wisconsin, USA; 3NASA GSFC,
USA; 4Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany; 5Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; 6University of California, Los Angeles, USA; 7Université Lille 1, France; 8Nagoya University, Japan; 9JAMSTEC, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan; 10ACA, University of New South Wales, Australia
30) 16:45-17:05
Isotopic and nanoscale textural evidence for the biogenicity of 3.4 billion years old cell-like structures
Kevin Lepot1,2,3, Kenneth H. Williford1,4, Emmanuelle J. Javaux2, Takayuki Ushikubo1,5, Kenichiro Sugitani6, Koichi Mimura6, Michael J. Spicuzza1, and John W. Valley1
1NAI, University of Wisconsin, USA; 2Université de Liège, Belgium; 3Université Lille 1, France; 4Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, NASA, USA; 5JAMSTEC, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan; 6Nagoya University, Japan
31) 17:05-17:25
Ultrastructural evidence for biogenicity of Archean organic-walled microfossils
Emmanuelle J. Javaux1, Kevin Lepot2, and Kenichiro Sugitani3
1Université de Liège, Belgium; 2Université Lille 1, France; 3Nagoya University, Japan
32) 17:25-17:45
The oldest accretionary complex and the beginning of the Pacific-type orogeny based on geology of the 3.96 Ga Nulliak supracrustal rocks in Labrador
Tsuyoshi Komiya1, Shinji Yamamoto1, Masanori Shimojo1, and Shogo Aoki1
1The University of Tokyo, Japan
33) 17:45-18:05
A planetary driver of atmospheric and biological change through the Precambrian
Martin J. Van Kranendonk1
1ACA, University of New South Wales, Australia
Discussion led by Martin J. Van Kranendonk
Hands-on microfossil observation
November 4th (Monday)
34) 9:00-9:20
Palynology of lenticular microfossils from the 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia: Do they represent early eukaryotic lineage?
Kenichiro Sugitani1, Koichi Mimura1, Makoto Takeuchi1, Kevin Lepot2, and Emmanuelle J. Javaux3
1Nagoya University, Japan; 2Université Lille 1, France; 3Université de Liège, Belgium
35) 9:20-9:40
Paleoproterozoic prokaryotic palynomorphs
Paul Strother1
1Boston College, USA
36) 9:40-10:00
Evidence of interactions between Thermotogales and Thermococcales in a 3-member syntrophy with a methanogen
Tomohiko Kuwabara1, Zhao Di1, and Kensuke Igarashi1
1University of Tsukuba, Japan
37) 10:00-10:20
Physiological and isotopic characteristics of nitrogen fixation by hyperthermophilic and thermophilic methanogens: Insight into nitrogen anabolism of the subseafloor microbial communities in the early Earth
Manabu Nishizawa1, Junichi Miyazaki1,2, and Ken Takai1,2
1Precambrian Ecosystem Laboratory, JAMSTEC, Japan; 2Subsurface Geobiology Advanced Research Program, JAMSTEC, Japan
Refreshments served
38) 10:35-10:55
Stromatolites from the Archaean Dharwar craton, India: Raman spectroscopic, and carbon, strontium and multiple sulfur isotopic characterization
M. Satish-Kumar1, Yoshihiro Nakamura1, Hikaru Murakami1, Kazuki Okochi2, Rie Yamazaki2, Kaoru Mishima3, Yuichiro Ueno3, and Tomokazu Hokada4
1Niigata University, Japan; 2Shizuoka University, Japan; 3Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 4National Institute
of Polar Research, Japan
39) 10:55-11:05
Geomicrobiological processes forming daily lamination in travertines
Tomoyo Okumura1, Chizuru Takashima2, and Akihiro Kano1
1Kyushu University, Japan; 2Saga University, Japan
40) 11:05-11:25
Evidence for biogenic graphite in early Archaean Isua metasedimentary rocks
Yoko Ohtomo1, Takeshi Kakegawa2, Akizumi Ishida3, and Minik T. Rosing4
1Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC, Japan; 2Tohoku University, Japan; 3The University of
Tokyo, Japan; 4University of Copenhagen, Denmark
41) 11:25-11:45
Origin of organic matter in the Archean seafloor hydrothermal deposits: biological and abiological processes in the early Earth
Yuichiro Ueno1,2,3
1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 2ELSI, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 3Precambrian Ecosystem
Laboratory, JAMSTEC, Japan
Discussion led by David T. Flannery
Closing talk by Malcolm R. Walter
13:30 Departure for optional tour, after lunch
Poster Session
(November 2nd to 4th)
Biological entities in the stratosphere (22-27km) – Evidence for life in Space and its continual input to Earth
Milton Wainwright1,2, Christopher E. Rose1, Alexander J. Baker1, and N. Chandra Wickramasinghe2
1University of Sheffield, UK; 2Center for Astrobiology, University of Buckingham, UK
Lu-Hf isotope analysis of Archean Barberton basalts to understand mantle early evolution
Takao Yamagichi1, Tsuyoshi Iizuka1, Shun’ichi Nakai1, and Maarten J. de Wit2
1The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
Amino acid oligomerization driven by comet impacts as a possible mechanism in prebiotic chemistry
Haruna Sugahara1 and Koichi Mimura1
1Nagoya University, Japan
Chemical structure and isotopic distribution of insoluble organic matter from the Murchison meteorite revealed by stepwise pyrolysis
Koichi Mimura1 and Fumiaki Okumura2
1Nagoya University, Japan; 2Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd, Japan
Formation of amino acids from carboxylic acid and ammonia by shock wave: implication to chemical evolution in primitive oceans
Yoshihiro Furukawa1, Chizuka Suzuki1, Takamichi Kobayashi2, Toshimori Sekine3, Hiromoto Nakazawa1, and Takeshi Kakegawa1
1Tohoku University, Japan; 2National Institute for Materials Science, Japan; 3Hiroshima University, Japan
Greigite formation from hematite by sulfur respiration of Methanocaldococcus jannaschii
Kensuke Igarashi1, Takuya Adachi1, Yasuhisa Yamamura1, and Tomohiko Kuwabara1
1University of Tsukuba, Japan
Significance of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids as a possible biomarker of photosynthetic dinoflagellate symbiosis in marine invertebrates
Takahiro Wakahara1, Kiyohito Yoshida1, Aitor Laza-Martinez2, Masanobu Kawachi3, and Hidetoshi Okuyama1
1Hokkaido University, Japan; 2University of the Basque Country, Spain; 3National Institute for Environmental
Studies, Japan
Field occurrence and lithology of Archean hydrothermal systems in the 3.2Ga Dixon Island Formation, Western Australia
Yuhei Aihara1, Shoichi Kiyokawa1, Takashi Ito2, Minoru Ikehara3, Kosei E Yamaguchi4, Kenji Horie5, Ryo Sakamoto1, and Tsubasa Miki1
1Kyushu University, Japan; 2Ibaraki University, Japan; 3Kochi University, Kochi, Japan; 4Toho University, Japan;
5National Institute of Polar Research, Japan
Speciation analysis of sulfur and iron in the 2.7 Ga shallow- and deep-facies black shales from Pilbara, Western Australia
Hiroaki Minami1, Akane Abe1, Hiroshi Naraoka2, and Kosei E. Yamaguchi1,3
1Toho University, Japan; 2Kyushu University, Japan; 3NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA
REE and oxygen isotope geochemistry of ~3.2 Ga BIFs: Comparison between Barberton, South Africa and Pilbara, Western Australia
Tomotaka R. Yahagi1, Kosei E. Yamaguchi1,2, Satoru Haraguchi3, Ryouta Sano4, Shuuhei Teraji5, Shoichi Kiyokawa5, Minoru Ikehara6, and Takashi Ito7
1Toho University, Japan; 2NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA; 3The University of Tokyo, Japan; 4Japan Chemical
Analysis Center, Japan; 5Kyushu University, Japan; 6Kochi University, Japan; 7Ibaraki University, Japan
Origin of organic matter in 3.2 Ga black shales revealed by infrared and laser Raman microspectroscopy
Tomohiro Nakamura1, Kosei E. Yamaguchi1,2, Minoru Ikehara3, Shoichi Kiyokawa4, and Takashi Ito5
1Toho University, Japan; 2NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA; 3Kochi University; 4Kyushu University, Japan; 5baraki
University, Japan
Heterogeneity of sulfur isotope compositions of minute spherical pyrites revealed by NanoSIMS analysis of the 3.2Ga black shale from DXCL Drilling Project in Pilbara, Australia
Tsubasa Miki1, Shoichi Kiyokawa1, Naoto Takahata2, Akizumi Ishida2, Takashi Ito3, Minoru Ikehara4, Kosei E. Yamaguchi5,6, Ryo Sakamoto7, and Yuji Sano2
1Kyushu University, Japan; 2The University of Tokyo, Japan; 3Ibaraki University, Japan; 4Kochi University, Japan;
5Toho University, Japan; 6NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA; 7Mitsui Oil Exploration, Co., Ltd., Japan
Constraints for oceanic redox conditions from Fe speciation analysis of 3.2 Ga DXCL-DP black shales, Cleaverville Group, Western Australia
Ayaka Shiina1, Kosei E. Yamaguchi1,2, Shoichi Kiyokawa3, Minoru Ikehara4, and Takashi Ito5
1Toho University, Japan; 2NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA; 3Kyushu University, Japan; 4Kochi University, Japan;
5Ibaraki University, Japan
Significance of acritarch-rich black chert and its impact on biological evolution of marine planktons from the Permian-Triassic boundary sequence, Arrow Rocks, Northland, New Zealand
Rie S. Hori1 and Minoru Ikehara2
1Ehime University, Japan; 2Kochi University, Japan
Carbon elemental and isotopic compositions of organic and inorganic carbon from Makganyen diamictite in South Africa: Quest of the Paleoproterozoic Snowball Earth Event
Nao Tsukahara1, Hikaru Yabuta1, Minoru Ikehara2, and Andrey Bekker3
1Osaka University, Japan; 2Kochi University, Japan; 3University of Manitoba, Canada
Geochemical characteristics of mafic rocks in the Acasta Gneiss Complex: implication for subduction zone processes in the early Earth
Keiko Koshida1, Akira Ishikawa1, Hikaru Iwamori2, and Tsuyoshi Komiya1
1The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Comparison of MISS of the Magaliesberg Formation (ca. 2.1 Ga Pretoria Group, Transvaal Supergroup) and that of the Makgabeng Formation (ca. 1.8 Ga Waterberg Group), Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
Jude Okafor1 and Patrick Eriksson1
1University of Pretoria, South Africa
Mineralogical and geochemical studies of clastic sedimentary rocks of ca. 3.2Ga Moodies Group in Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Shohji Kawai1 and Takeshi Kakegawa1
1Tohoku University, Japan
Geological and geochemical characterization of the oldest banded iron formations in the northern Labrador, Canada.
Shogo Aoki1, Masanori Shimojo1, Shinji Yamamoto1, Takafumi Hirata2, and Tsuyoshi Komiya1
1The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2Kyoto University, Japan
Irregularity of thickness distribution on the mesobandings of Archean BIF
Nagayoshi Katsuta1, Masao Takano2, Ichiko Shimizu3, Shin-ichi Kawakami1, Mineo Kumazawa2, and Herb Helmstaedt4
1Gifu University, Japan; 2Nagoya University, Japan; 3The University of Tokyo, Japan; 4Queen’s University, Canada
The oxygenation time of Earth: insights from the Neoarchean microbialite record
David Flannery1,2, Yosuke Hoshino2,3, Simon George2,3, Malcolm R. Walter1,2, and Martin J. Van Kranendonk1,2
1University of New South Wales, 2ACA, University of New South Wales, Australia, 3Macquarie University, Australia
Fluorescence property of Paleozoic and Mesozoic acritarchs: diagenetic and taxonomic variability
Takuto Ando1, Ken Sawada1, Shuuji Ogata1, Reishi Takashima2, Hiroshi Nishi2, and Kunio Kaiho2
1Hokkaido University, Japan; 2Tohoku University, Japan
Reconstruction of terrestrial environment and ecosystem in deep time: Pyrolysis and thermochemolysis of kerogen
Ken Sawada1, Shuuji Ogata1, Takuto Ando1, and Kunio Kaiho2
1Hokkaido University, Japan; 2Tohoku University, Japan
Microbialites in Neoproterozoic Kahar Formation, Alborz Mountain, northern Iran
Najmeh Etemad-Saeed1 and Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi1
1Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
The structure of iron-hydroxide mounds at hydrothermal environment in shallow marine, Satsuma Iwo-Jima Island of Kikai Caldera, southern Kyushu Island, Japan
Takashi Kuratomi1, Shoichi Kiyokawa1, Minoru Ikehara2, Shusaku Goto3, Fumihiko Ikegami1, and Yuto Minowa1
1Kyushu University, Japan; 2Kochi University, Japan; 3Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Japan
The evolutionary process of animal activities on the Cambrian microbial matground
Takafumi Mochizuki1
1Nagoya University, Japan
Diversification of diatoms drove the evolution of marine organisms
Itsuki Suto1, Keita Kawamura2, Shinta Hagimoto3, Akihito Teraishi4, and Yuichiro Tanaka5
1Nagoya University, Japan; 2Nissei Gakuen, Japan; 3ADMATECHS Co., Ltd., Japan; 4NTT COMWARE Co, Ltd.,
Japan; 5National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Molecular fossils and their carbon isotope geochemistry of the Ediacaran to Early Cambrian strata from the Three Gorges area, South China
Kentaro Yamada1, Yuichiro Ueno2,3, Naohiro Yoshida2,3, and Shigenori Maruyama3
1The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 3ELSI, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Possibility of bioessential element-depleted ocean following the euxinic maximum of the end-Permian mass extinction: Evidence from the Japanese Permian/Triassic Boundary
Satoshi Takahashi1, Shin-ichi Yamasaki2, Yasumasa Ogawa3, Kazuhiko Kimura4, Kunio Kaiho2, Takeyoshi Yoshida2, Noriyoshi Tsuchiya2, Akane Mizutani1, and Shinji Yamamoto1
1The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2Tohoku University, Japan; 3Akita University, Japan; 4Miyagi University, Japan
Stable isotopic fractionation of cerium as a potential paleo-redox proxy
Ryoichi Nakada1, Masaharu Tanimizu1,2, and Yoshio Takahashi1,2
1Hiroshima University, Japan; 2Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC, Japan
Fine structure observation during siliceous shell formation of a testate amoeba Paulinella chromatophora (Euglyphid)
Mami Nomura1 and Ken-ichiro Ishida1
1University of Tsukuba, Japan